Welcome to the IMG Weekly Chat Digest #44
IMG Weekly Chat Digest #44
Here are a few highlights:
- Search Console & Impressions
- Bing Webmaster Tools & Positions
- Search Console for PBNs
- Google Ads – Search Terms Report
- Same Text in H1 and Meta Title
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SEO Fight Club | Episode 78
In this episode of SEO Fight Club, Ted and his regular hosts, talk in detail about Core Web Vitals and whether they are actually a ranking factor.
How to Present a $1,900 SEO Site Audit, Part IV (Premium)
This is Part 4 of 5 for IMG’s latest SEO audit. In this five-part series, we take a slightly different approach by giving you an over the shoulder look at an audit presentation.
Have you ever considered becoming an IMG SEO Tester?
The community is always looking for new tests. Each month the best testers are awarded up to $1,000 in cash prizes.
Now, This Week’s IMG Community Chat Digest!
1. Search Console – Impressions
Members: Yaniv Gabay, Suzy B and Vishal
Topic – General SEO
Summary: In search console, could the impressions be caused by bots crawling the site as opposed to actual human traffic?…
Lauren Proctor: Google defines GSC impressions as “the number of times any URL from your site appeared in search results viewed by a user, not including paid Google Ads search impressions.”
2. Average Position On Bing Webmaster Tools
Members: John O’Hara and Kyle Roof
Topic: General SEO
Summary: When I look under search performance for the last 7 days it gives me an average position < 10, but when I check actual results there is nothing to be seen ?…
Kyle: To the first part of rank, I think Google does that as well. If the page ranked one time in that spot in Albuquerque on a Tuesday at 1am they count it…
3. Adding Search Console for PBNs ?
Topics: General SEO
Summary: If I’m creating a PBN, should I add Google Search Console to every site, or not?
Kyle: It would look weird for a site to not be in SC.…
4. Google Ads is slashing Search Term Reporting
Members: Lauren Proctor, Suzy B and DRE De Vera
Topic: General SEO
Summary: Google Ads is Slashing Search Term Reporting…How Are You Taking Advantage?
DRE De Vera : I’m not too worried, if my target audience isn’t searching. I can focus more on what’s converting..…
5. Same Text in H1 and Meta Title
Members: Miklas Kroager, James Goldsmith and Suzy B
Tags: General SEO
Summary: Same text in h1 and meta title… What are your thoughts?
James: I’ve never had any problems ranking pages with that. I suppose it might be an issue if POP suggests otherwise…
6. Difference between a PBN and Guest Post?
Members: Yaniv Gabay, Kyle Roof, Thane Pullan and James Goldsmith
Topic: General SEO
Summary: I’ve heard many times you can’t rank a site just with PBN’s but I don’t get it. What’s the difference between a PBN and a guest post?
Kyle: You can definitely just rank with PBNs…
7. What to do if your Major Competition just closed.
Topic: The Lounge
Members: Conor Duggan, Kyle Roof, Todd Weeks, Lauren Proctor, and Miklas Kroager
Summary: My largest and most established local competitor just bit the dust. What would I do to take advantage of the opportunity? …
Kyle: Create [brand name] alternative page to capture any users looking for where to go now…
8. Content Update Not Recognized on POP Re-Run
Topic: Page Optimizer PRO
Members: Richard Ingersoll and Kyle Roof
Summary: I have updated the content on my page to add suggested words from POP but when I rerun the report, it is not recognizing the words that have been added? What’s going on?…
Kyle: Are you choosing a location or using the POP chrome extension? If choosing a location, your hosting is probably serving a cached page…
9. Local Link Opportunities.
Topic: Premium | Pro Tips & Tricks
Tutorial: How to Find Local Link Opportunities by Kyle Roof
That’s it for now. Hope you enjoyed the read. See you in the community over the weekend!