Viola Eva SEO

Learn about Viola Eva's SEO course inside IMG, projects, experience, and more!

Trusted By The Top Brands Globally

About Viola Eva

Viola Eva is passionate about digital entrepreneurship, flow, and mindful marketing. As founder and SEO of Flow SEO, she helps SaaS startups to scale their organic traffic. She is a speaker, educator, and specialist on all things SEO, known from UnGagged, Pubcon, Wordcamp Europe, Ahrefs, and many other events and publications.

Viola Eva's SEO course in IMG

The Content Marketing Formula

Content marketing and SEO make a perfect marriage: you can use the principles of content marketing to become a better SEO. In this course, Viola teaches you how to upgrade your content to meet search intent and increase organic conversions.


Hear about Viola's course from the enrolled members:

Nancy Reagan 

The best I've seen

The content quality is the best I’ve seen from an SEO course. I’ve been taking SEO courses since 2016 and the style is easy going and never over my head. I love the “show me how to do it style”! Great course!!

Keith Heeres

Horizons expanded

Kyle is an outstanding teacher on SEO. The course is well laid out and organized to follow so that concepts build on each other. Outstanding course content.

So far in my work doing SEO I have been almost exclusively focused on Local SEO, onsite SEO, and some affiliate. But armed with all my new knowledge I will be able to do much more for my clients than I ever could have before. Thanks for the great course, Kyle.

Chris Labatte

Tons of value

Kyle thought process on on-page SEO has made me reconsider how to rank websites.

Before we would just pick some random keywords from a tool and we were off to the races... NOT anymore. 

Success leaves clues and using Kyle's strategic approach (Correlation Math) to reanalyze the SERP results, is nothing short of brilliant. Why not reverse engineer your rankings right from Google? For they are providing you with the roadmap to ranking success!

Kyle has a depth of knowledge that he applies to the SEO world and you can see it come through in his work and teaching style.

Using an almost Occam's razor approach of finding the simplest SEO answers that are going to matter the most for rankings. The course is laid out well and has tons of value!

Raoul Wruck 

How easy Google is to beat

Kyle's teachings totally changed how I approach onpage SEO. I already knew that Google is an algorithm, but I wasn't fully aware how easy it is to beat.

I really like the teaching style and content quality.

Liza Parziale

SEO Mythbusting

Kyle is one of the best SEO trainers in the business. The reason in my opinion is due to him actually using what he teaches.

He owns an agency, uses his techniques to actually rank his own properties or customer properties. This is important.

However, his biggest advantage and the reason he sets himself apart, he tests everything he does to understand why something may or may not be working.

Kyle does not guess and he does not believe anything until he tests it. This is priceless in a climate where everyone claims to know the secrets of Google.

Kyle debunks many of these "secrets" and shows us the facts. Well-tested and implemented. Great job Kyle!

Marc Moeller

A complete blueprint

It's one thing being aware of key concepts, it's another being handed a complete blueprint of how to do best practice SEO. That's what I love about this course.

Kyle is a true master of his craft and an exceptionally good teacher. Difficult concepts are broken down into terms I can understand. I truly appreciate his teaching style.

Brian Childers 

Updated 40% of our workflow

 After taking Kyle's course, we were humbled that we had to update about 40% of our workflow.

My team and I are pumped up and excited to implement what we have learned.

Compared to other courses we have purchased over the years, Kyle's teaching style and quality are by far best.

Adrian Diaz

Mind-Blowing Information

The information shared in the course is mind-blowing for a beginner/intermediate SEO like myself. I’ve been doing SEO for a year or so and I’m trying to get better at it hence I’m here learning from the “creme de la creme” SEO, Kyle Roof.

The course definitely helped me change the way I see SEO. Now I understand WHY I'm doing WHAT I'm doing instead of just guessing what to change on a page and pray it works.

The quality of knowledge is great for beginners. I'm not a complete noob and I still got A LOT of value just by seeing Kyle's thought process and how he does SEO.

Martin Fielder

Change the way I do SEO

Kyle has changed the way I do SEO today. For a long time, I played the guessing game. And to be fair, it can give you some decent results. But at a certain point, you hit a ceiling and you simply don't know how to move on.

 What Kyle taught me, is to treat Google's algorithm as what it is: mathematics. And as we all know, mathematics follows logical rules and can be calculated.

I like that the course is separated into topical modules and the lessons are kept short but still complete. Kyle has a focus on practice rather than too much theory. If you apply what he teaches to your projects, you'll start to see results soon.
