SEO Web Copy 101

SEO Web Copy 101 is the first copywriting training course made for SEOs, affiliates, and agencies based on real data. In the program, Kevin shares a proven blueprint for a copy that hooks, compels and sells on any topic. He reveals the secret to captivating intros, shares a guide for writing concise copy that packs a punch, and helps you avoid pitfalls that kill conversions for so many copywriters.

If you'd like to learn the step-by-step copy system that engages readers, attracts clicks, and converts buy-ready visitors to money in your pocket, this training is the answer to your prayers.

Unlimited platform access for $97 / month.

Lesson Modules

Verifiable certification upon completion.

Module 1 - The Basics

What readers want




Writing richly



Module 2 - Intros

Why this is the most important part of the article

How to hook a reader

How to write an intro

Intro formulas

Module 3 - How to write concisely

How to cut out fluff

How to write tight sentences

How to write simply

Concise writing hacks

Module 4 - Seo Title Tag Optimization


Kevin is a copywriter working in the digital marketing industry specializing in product reviews, landing pages, and SEO-related blog content. After 6 years working his way up from entry-level agency writer to partner on successful affiliate sites, all of his content tips and strategies are based on cold hard data from real affiliate sites. His goal is to make the SEO industry realize just how important good content really is and, if you want to start actually making sales, you need to start thinking like a copywriter - not a typical content writer. Kevin's work has been featured on Empire Flippers, Authority Hacker, Craig Campbell, SEO Butler.

When not writing, he spends his free time playing music at open mics around Southern Vietnam and shooting hoops on the beach.

What Students are Saying

Kevin’s course is a game changer for putting out high quality, engaging affiliate content. Especially at scale like we do. 

Most writers just don’t get it, so we normally end up editing or rewriting a lot of what comes in. And a lot of our articles were ranking but readers were bouncing.

Now, our writing team AND our editors know exactly how to write content that hooks, so we spend way less time on rewrites AND get more engagement.

Easily the best content course out there. 

Jay Yap, Leadspring

Kevin’s Masterclass has changed the way I teach our team how to write forever. His course is simple, yet so effective. 

With Kevin, you will learn everything from writing an intro that hooks to writing engaging content and formatting it correctly. And Kevin delivers this info in chunks that are engaging and easy to understand.

Our writers are excellent writers to begin with, we teach them some SEO theory to ensure their content comes out clean for our customers at – But Kevin closed a gap we never could: how to make content convert highly, something that is very tricky to teach since some writers “get it” and others don’t. 

He encompasses every aspect of successful SEO writing beautifully! His energy levels were awesome, and his course was engaging from start to finish. 

Whether you’re a part-time blogger, freelance writer, or an agency owner looking to add value to their writers skillset, get Kevin’s course!

Jonathan Kiekbusch,

I literally got it for every writer working for us… and the outputs have seen significant improvement.

Both in the quality of the content in terms of being useful, and it’s also much better converting because it’s written in a different way. Overall, the impact has been fantastic. The writers absolutely loved it. 

Mads Singers, Mads Singers Management Coaching & Consulting

certificate of completion

Includes certification

Upon completion, all IMG courses and Learning Journeys include a certificate of completion signed by the world renowned SEOs and IMG founders Kyle Roof and Ted Kubaitis. Add this to your CV, Linkedin profile, website or Upwork profile. If you're an employer, giving your team the chance to gain industry respected certifications is a great way to increase staff retention while gaining a more qualified and skilled team.

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